


Lifeworks更新:新的政策、程序 & 2020 - 2021年的工具

阅读总统的电子邮件解释 关于毕生的事业的更新, 包括目的, 贝里学生工作计划的目标和广泛影响. 下面概述了2020-21年的变化, 更详细的解释分布在这些常见问题解答中.


挑战: How do we recalibrate our student work system to ensure work positions are meaningful both for 学生 and the college and offer an improved rate of pay for 学生 without requiring tuition increases?

建议: The goal in general terms is to increase the rate of student pay by 25% while trimming the number of hours worked by 25%. 学生将能够在工作更短的时间内获得相同的总工资.

一般来说,这意味着贝里学院的学生现在的收入将在9-9美元之间.在2020-21学年,每小时50美元,每周工作10-12小时. 盖特奖学金获得者预计每周工作16小时(去年为20小时)。.

作为毕生的事业更新计划的一部分, 重要的是,我们要更新我们的职位描述,并审查级别和工作要求. This is needed to ensure that not only are the descriptions still accurate and meaningful student work positions but also that the job levels and requirements appropriately correspond with the new increased student wages ($9.00 - $9.50). Federal Work Study regulations also require that all jobs have accurate and up to date job descriptions on file. The 毕生的事业 team is responsible for keeping the hundreds of on-campus job descriptions organized and on file for this reason as well. 

Levels 1–2 are $9; Level 3, $9.25; and Levels 4–5, $9.50

First-year 学生 are limited to 10 hours per week while all other 学生 are allowed to work up to 12 hours per week (with the exception of Gate Scholars, 每周工作16小时的人). 另外, all departments should plan on meeting their target hours based on the plans they submitted to their vice presidents this past spring.

是的,他们可以. 然而, 而有些学生会尝试同时做三份或更多的工作, it is strongly preferred that all 学生 have a primary job where they are gaining a depth of professional experience and skills. 因此, 我们建议主管鼓励他们的学生工人不超过两份工作, 如果可能的话. 无论如何,有一份以上工作的学生仍然必须遵守他们每周的最大小时数. 换句话说, a returning student with a 12-hour maximum working one job for eight hours can work only four hours in the second job.

The actions you take to hire a student in the system are unchanged; however, you will need to ensure the Hours Per Week field accurately reflects the hours you expect the student to work. The system will check this number against the student’s work hours limit and any hours already dedicated to other jobs to determine if the hire can be processed.


是的. 当你进入招聘流程的第三步时, 你会看到, 就在Create Hire按钮下方, 您所选学生的所有当前活动或待完成的工作(见下文). We recommend that you discuss your student’s plans for other jobs prior to clicking the Create Hire button. 如果你看到一个学生已经有了另一份工作, 你需要问学生他们在那份工作上投入了多少时间. 如果学生不确定,你应该通过lifeworks@berry联系毕生的事业办公室.Edu或致电706.236.2244查询.


为了保持在新的(2020-21)预算参数内, the JobX/TimesheetX system has been modified to reject a hire that results in a student exceeding his/her maximum limit (see below). 如果发生这种情况, 你需要确定学生是否可以用更少的时间完成这项工作, 你应该和学生谈谈,看看他们是否愿意减少工作时间. 然后,您可以用更少的请求时间重新提交雇用请求.


以确保学院在新的预算范围内, the TimesheetX system has been modified to not allow 学生 to log more than their weekly hours allotment (see below). 再一次。, 重要的是,你不允许学生工作超过他们可以登录他们的时间表的时间. We recommend you become familiar with your student's hours limits and the number of hours they are working in other jobs. 如果你需要知道一个学生在不同的工作中被分配了多少小时,可以发电子邮件 lifeworks@pudukottaicitymatrimony.com 或拨打706.236.2244.


今年, 以提高毕生的事业项目快速适应不断变化的校园环境的能力, we have developed a series of “毕生的事业临时工作解决方案” to support supervisors (and student workers) who need to temporarily replace work hours lost due to short-term contingencies (e.g.例如,你的一些学生工人被隔离,遇到家庭紧急情况等). 通过快速预览的方式, 以下是今年秋天主管们可以使用的三个“毕生的事业临时工作解决方案”:


如果一个学生不能来工作场所,远程工作可能是答案. You can consider this option if the absent student is willing/able to continue working and if their work responsibilities can be effectively accomplished remotely. 如果您对为学生提供远程工作有疑问, 你可以联系毕生的事业 lifeworks@pudukottaicitymatrimony.com 或706-236-2244请求协助确定潜在的远程工作选项, 机会和/或工具. 如果工作时间不能远程替代, 我们为主管提供了另外两个选项(请参阅下文).  


此选项允许您延长非一年级学生工人的工作时间, up to 4 hours per week (16 hours per week for non-Gate 学生 and up to 20 hours per week for you Gate Scholars). 请求延期只需发电子邮件 lifeworks@pudukottaicitymatrimony.com 提供以下所有信息:  

  • 被临时替换的学生姓名 
  • 需要额外课时的学生姓名  
  • 学生要求的额外学时数 
  • 临时工作期间起止日期  


If extending the hours of your current student is not an option or if it will only partially cover the lost workers hours, 您可以从临时工人池中请求另一个学生. 要提交请求, 填妥此表格. 你需要提供以下资料:  

  • 被临时替换的学生姓名 
  • 所需小时数 
  • 需要更换的时间和星期几  
  • 所需技能类型 
  • 临时工作期间起止日期  

The 毕生的事业 Office will provide you with the contact information for the temporary replacement within 24 hours of your request.  

Please note that the temporary work solutions outlined above are not meant to provide additional work hours above the amounts approved under the 毕生的事业 Renewal plans your 办公室 submitted last spring. 而, they are meant to provide temporary solutions (up to 2 weeks at a time) to help supervisors address critical work needs (within their approved number of hours) in case a student worker is unable to work for a short period of time.

是的. 今年夏天, we purchased a new Budget Management feature for our TimesheetX system to help supervisors manage their 毕生的事业 budgets. This new tool will allow you to track your expenses against your academic year budgets based on timesheets submitted by your 学生. Instructions for using this feature will be sent via an upcoming bulletin and will be available on the new 生命工程资源中心.


联邦法律要求所有雇员, 包括学生雇员, 在开始工作的三天内获得I-9认证, 乔治亚州的法律要求所有员工都有电子认证的I-9表格. 在拿到I-9之前打工的学生可能会被处以巨额罚款.

最简单的方法就是试着在JobX/TimesheetX上雇佣这个学生. 如果学生有E-Verified I-9, 你会看到I-9状态的绿色复选框, 这样你就可以完成雇佣了. 如果你看到一个红色的X,学生没有E-Verified I-9,不应该被允许工作. 如果学生坚持填写了I-9,请致电706-236-2244向毕生的事业办公室确认.

No. 事实上,我们通常不允许你在学期开始前提交雇佣. This gives us time to complete the summer hiring process and get the system set up for the academic year. Student timesheets for the first pay period of the semester aren’t due until 16 days after the semester starts; however, we ask that you submit your hires no later than eight days after the semester start so that we have time to process them.

先雇佣一年级新生, as they are most likely not to have an I-9 and will need extra time to figure out how to complete a timesheet. 其次,雇用所有刚到你部门的归国学生. 他们很可能有I-9,但不是所有人都有. 最后, hire the 学生 that have worked for you before since they have I-9s and know how to quickly complete a timesheet.


学生工作周是校园毕生的事业项目的年度庆祝活动. 每年由个人和职业发展中心主办, 学生, 教师, and staff are invited to participate in events that bring awareness and celebration to the great work that happens across campus in the student work program. 查看2023年的时间表: 2023年学生工作周时间表


It is a process consisting of three options that will allow you to temporarily replace work hours lost to certain contingencies such as illness, 家庭紧急情况, 检疫, 等. 它只用于填补短期突发事件的工作时间.e.(最多两周),不得用于报道特殊活动或项目. 你可以在 毕生的事业资源网页.

要从毕生的事业临时工人池中提交额外的学生工人申请, 填妥此表格. 你需要提供以下资料:  

  • 被临时替换的学生姓名 
  • 所需小时数 
  • 需要更换的时间和星期几  
  • 所需技能类型  
  • 开始 & 临时工作期限结束日期  

The 毕生的事业 Office will provide you with the contact information for the temporary replacement within 24 hours of your request.  

